The 12-step groups
First 12-step support group, the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), was founded in the USA in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Bob Smith. Their aim was to assist their members to get rid of alcoholism.
The same method has later been applied to many other “Anonymous” groups, including Narcotics Anonymous or Gamblers Anonymous.
In Helsinki there are specific groups fop people addicted to alcohol, drugs or gambling. There are also additional support groups for addicts’ relatives.
The Narcotics Anonymous operate in multiple languages. In Helsinki are groups in Finnish, Russian, English and Persian.
The Russian language “Volna” Narcotics Anonymous group meets in person every week at Nordenskiöldinkatu 20, building 8 (in the area of the Aurora hospital). They also hold Zoom meetings. If you want to participate, contact number +358417486255.